5 Tips To Make A Lasting First Impression For Your Next Interview
It's the time of the year - you're looking for a change of environment, a fresh breath of air, hoping to work for a company that you truly are passionate about, with regards to the business and what they stand for.
We know you probably have done your research on all possible questions that they will be asking, with a grand speech in tow about how you would love to be part of this dream team. But what could give you that extra boost in confidence is the way you dress and the way you present yourself. Studies have shown that it takes as fast as 7 to 17 seconds to form first impressions, and about "55% of a person's opinion is determined by physical appearance".
So we'll help you along in that department. Read on and browse the 5 tips that we have picked for you to impress and make a lasting first impression your future boss the right way.