Connetix Tiles | Ball Run Set
Receive in:
139.00 SGD
Receive in:
139.00 SGD
Including 92 pieces and featuring some exclusive parts not seen before in a magnetic tile ball run, this set is the perfect compliment to our standard packs.
We are really excited about the watching the balls zoom through the clear, fluted tubes and the 2x special effect staircase sound scape pieces, 2x S bend pieces and the split tube for racing fun!
Each set includes:
6 x balls
2 x bowls
2 x long stairs
8 x slides
12 x 90 degree bends (corners)
8 x U shapes
8 x short straight pieces
6 x long straight pieces
2 x snake pieces (wavy one)
2 x Y shaped pieces
36 x tiles
Delivery is 3-5 working days for local orders.